13th April 2023(Latest News)

Hi all !

The latest successive updates of the game generated some interference which were reported to me at the end of last year. Nothing serious: mainly small worries for displaying certain graphic elements and a problem to jump inside a flooded basin in one of the User Maps.

All this has been corrected through version 2.1.5 of MTK that I offer you today. I take this opportunity to invite you to re-download the following maps, if you had already acquired them, because they have also been subject to a few corrections:

- Monstroculus (UM4)
- Bunker and Bombshells (UM8)
- Garbelborough (UM9)
- Ukrainian Mission (UM10)

In the case of this last map, I was able to replace the rollbots with Iranian drones, in order to stay more in the theme

I d'like to thank you again for the interest you have in this project, my best regards

17th July 2022

Hi people !

Mikko Sandt very kindly pointed out to me a problem with version 2.1.4: a file was badly named and prevented the game from starting

I have just corrected the ZIP of the game, I invite you to re-download it so that the game can function normally again. My apologies for this setback Thank you for your understanding!

9th July 2022

Hello, all !

Like most of us, I am deeply affected by the ongoing Russian invasion in the east. As a private citizen, I don't have the power to change things. So I wanted to do my part by offering a way to let off steam, through a special MTK level dedicated to Ukraine.

Taking advantage of his summer vacation, our friend The Killer decides to go for a little walk there, just to pacify the situation... in his own manner!

As usual: the file is in the Maps section (running with the version 2.1.4 of the game) and a Let's Play video is available (below). Have a good weekend Sláva Ukrayíni!

26th September 2021

Hi everyone !

Our friend The Killer returns with a new adventure. It's a special experience: in a very large, varied and above all ... hostile environment! The town of Garbleborough hides access to its buildings very well and the Police are just waiting for a misstep from you to get out!

Will you have the patience and sagacity to collect the six tokens hidden there? This new challenge awaits you in the "Maps" section (or as a Let's Play). Good luck !

19th June 2021

Hi, dear all of you

I am pleased to share with you a new level for MTK, working on its version 2.1.2. Come and visit a mysterious bunker, it's very aesthetic and full of surprises This still happens on the "Maps" page or in Let's Play.

19th February 2021

Hi, all !

I'd just like to share with you this experiment... A short new level built on an unexpected hybridization : the lengendary game Among Us meeting a retro-FPS 3D engine !

As usual: the level can be discovered in "Maps" or in the video of let's play. I hope it will make you smile

18th July 2020

Hello everyone. It's been a while!

I would like to offer you a new level for MTK, the number 6 downloadable in "Maps": a minors' town, full of mysteries and with very varied places and decorations.

I hope you will adopt it!

Have a great weekend

7th January 2020

Hi, all! While wishing you a happy new year 2020, I get back to you with a little gift

A new weapon has been created, and I wanted to make a level specifically to present it to you. This consists of a single level episode, let's call it a "quest"

All of this brings the game to version 2.1 ; I hope that you will appreciate the innovations. Once again, I give you a Let's Play video, if you ever prefer to discover them in this way. See you

15th December 2019

Hello everyone!

This map required a month of work, so I hope that it will fulfill its role of end-of-year gift The Killer, in any case, does not hesitate to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere in this new adventure in the colors of the holiday season ; with the supply , in addition, of the version 2.0.5 of the game and a new Let's Play.

I wish you a very happy holiday!

13th November 2019

Hi, dear all of you

I do not think it's useful to talk too much, the time is too short for all of us
Well! I just wanted to share with you my joy and my pride: this new 2.0.4 version of MTK, which accompanies "Monstroculus", the 13th level of the game, available in the "Maps" section or watchable just below.

Sincerely yours

29th August 2019

Decidedly, it seems like I'm pretty inspired these days! So I come back with lots of noveltyies to offer.

Firstly, now is the version 2.0.3, which has a lot of new stuff, including not less than a brand new enemy!

Afterwards: you can discover all this in another new level named "A Haunted Monastery". It is available on the Maps page or as a Let's Play on Youtube:

I wish you all a good weekend Mhi mhiii!

13th August 2019

Hi, everyone

I'm coming back with a lot of novelties: first, I'll tell you the release of the game MTK in version 2.0.2 ; this consists of an addition of some new tiles.

I also draw your attention to the "Maps" tab : it is a newly created page to list the Users Maps as they go out. How convenient Because I'll just introduce you to the latest one : "Misty Heights" ; available on the "Maps" page as, well as in a Let's Play video :

28th July 2019

Hi all, it's been a while Here I come with a little surprise : a UserMap called "The Water Station" (download here). Juste put in into the root folder, launch the game and use the menu : "New Game"/"User Map".

Maybe I'll make a specific page for UserMaps when I have a few For lazy people, here's a let's play of this new level :


31st October 2018

The moment has come! Episode 2 has arrived! On this night dedicated to death, one of its proudest representatives is coming back!

Welcome to Randomaniac, a dark city where our friend The Killer is going. This place has a particularity: each level can take randomly three different configurations! Thus, this new episode of MTK can be completed in 27 different ways. Lovers of variety: rejoice!

Well, I hope that you will like See you! Mhi mhiii!

27th October 2018


It's decided: episode 2 of MTK will be released during the evening of October 31st Here is what I hope to be a kind of treat for the occasion: a new trailer

I hope to see you many next Wednesday

20th October 2018

Guys: episode 2 is not very far from being finished We'll have to wait a little longer; but in the meantime, I remind/inform you that you can get a glimpse HERE (videos 12 to 18).

I promise you many more surprises I can not wait to introduce them to you. See you soon !

15th April 2018

Hi everybody!

Here is a Let's play of MTK's first level, released this morning, and offered by Mr. Rumble Roses.

Thanks to him

9th April 2018


Some game startup issues have been reported by people who already have Eduke32 projects on their computer.

So I offer the version 1.1 of MTK, wich normally corrects this problem.

I would like to thank Mark, Micky C, Player Lin and zykov eddy from Duke4 for their advice

8th April 2018

Finally! The release day is come, after four months of development! Thanks again to the followers for their support.

I am pleased to present you "Mr The Killer", a 3D episode of the "Le Tueur" series! I hope you will enjoy crossing the six levels and, perhaps, allowing The Killer to escape the police.

In case of problems, do not hesitate to consult the available information. I also invite you to contact me if you have any questions ([at]

So enough on that! The weapons have been delivered, the police are ready for action,... Let the game begin! Mhi mhiii!

Other Games :

Genre : retro FPS
Game size : 157 Mo
Actual version : 2.1.5
Language : English
Compatibility : Windows 64 bits
Duration : 3h or more
Release date : Sunday 8th April 2018
Tools : Build Engine + EDuke32
How to install MTK?
(1) Unzip the file in "C:" (recommanded!).
(2) Execute "=INSTALL=.bat" in "C:\Mr The Killer".
(3) At launch of the game, choose a screen resolution (recommanded: 1024x768).
(4) You are ready to play! ^^
Introduction :

Trailers :   |
This crazy game is a retro FPS with a very slight RPG dimension. You play the character of "The Killer" : an autistic hitman disguised as Death.

Your boat sank and the ocean current carried you to the nearby shores. These are, unfortunately, those of a country where you are wanted by police for past misdeeds. You will have to show skill and courage to get you out of this bad situation. Will you successfully lead The Killer to the neighbouring border, to a place where he would escape his pursuers?

Design :

"Mr The Killer" is constructed using the 3D "Build" engine, created by Ken Silverman. Here is a Mod of the 3D Realms legendary game "Duke Nukem 3D", which is currently working thanks to EDuke32 virtual machine.

Only the foundations of Duke Nukem have been preserved ... The gameplay has been revised, the graphics, sounds and music completely replaced, many talking characters have been created and a large number of new events programmed. It is likely that this game will surprise you!

This project is included in the "Le Tueur" series, following the 2D trilogy ( It is not essential to have played the previous opus to enjoy this new episode, at most you will miss some references ;)

Other informations :

Creation, music, graphics and additional programming by Seb Luca.
Development: December 2017 to March 2018 (Ep1), April and July to Octobre 2018 (Ep2), December 2019 (Quest).

Last update: version 2.1.5, 13 April 2023.

Help The Killer escape police, bounty hunters, and lots of other things that hurt!